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Travel and Leisure

Thu, March 19, 2009
[ 18:06pm UTC ] - Country: United States, Pesca Maya Fishing Lodge
Thu, July 2, 2009
[ 13:19pm UTC ] - Country: United States, MadMattMan
Government shutting down streets to forc .. watch fireworks at Legoland?

Travel and Leisure

Welcome to our Travel and Leisure News Section. Whether you're planning on a trip or you just need to "get away" for a couple of minutes, this is the section for you. Here we'll cover any news related to travel, vacation, recreation and leisure activities.

Whether you're interested in cheap travel or luxury travel, you'll still find news of interest to you in our Travel and Leisure News Section. Hot topics include how tourism is faring as well as what's going on with the major airlines. As long as it's related to leisure time or travel, we've got you covered.

For those workaholics out there who have a so many frequent flyer miles that you wish you could clone yourself so you could use them, you won't feel left out here either. Just because we'll focus on leisure time activities here doesn't mean we'll leave out travel related articles, even business travel. You'll learn which airlines have upgraded their business class right here. Find out which airlines have finessed the art of air travel to reduce as many of those stopovers as possible.

Vacation planners, you can stay in the know, by reading this section frequently. Discover the latest travel news whether it's related to your own backyard or to world travel. It doesn't matter where you're were going, whether you were planning a vacation that was within driving distance, flying around the world or taking a "cruise to nowhere." (Trust me, these exist and they're a good way for cruise neophytes to discover the fine art of cruising cheaply), you'll still enjoy the information you come across in this section.

And even if you weren't planning on actual travel but you were looking forward to a little bit of leisure time, we'll pass along articles that might help you with your free time. This section will keep you in the know with all of the hottest leisure activities for you to do in your free time. So for everything but the leisure suit, you've got the right spot. Leisure and travel has never been so easy!

Contributing Sources


Pesca Maya Fishing Lodge